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Fitness and Faith

Bryan Ryndak

The Mission

My mission for The Aging Man: To facilitate faith and fitness for men 45+ so they can effectively Provide, Protect, Perform, and Prepare.

Fitness and faith have been and continue to be an ongoing journey for me. This article is effectively describing a re-focus of The Aging Man. I am pumped to share.

"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong."

1 Corinthians 16:13 (NIV)

The Background for Fitness

I’m a professional physical therapist and an athlete (more in my younger days). I love working out. I have the knowledge base, but I have fluctuated in my effectiveness like many guys.

I’ve gone through life’s seasons when working out and eating well dropped low on the priority list. Over a year and a half ago, I became very intentional about my health and fitness and this blog was born.

The Background for Faith

The faith part of my journey is more difficult for me to express. I’ve never really had it all together and, and quite frankly, there were a few times I had none of it together- hanging on to faith by my fingernails.

So, why then would I think I could write about faith and mentor the faith journey in other men? What credibility do I have? I’m not a pastor. I’m not a counselor. I’m not a missionary. I’m not even a good Christian sometimes. But, life has put a lot of miles on my soul, and my faith still exists. What's more, it's more robust, more resilient, tested, and it's real.

The Resolve

I have always had a passion, and no matter what crap life throws at me, I want to continue to be a willing and useful servant of Christ. A friend pointed out that it is exactly the presence of faith-testing experiences, the evidence of a foot forward attitude, and the lack of official credentials that makes the journey relatable and worth sharing.

We all have stories. Those stories will impact others. Having the courage to allow my faith journey to benefit another man’s faith journey was the latest hurdle to overcome. Adding this focus for The Aging Man is the result.

My passion is to facilitate fitness and faith, coach effective and long-lasting changes, promote progress in the journey, and be a mentor during that journey for men 45+ so they can become highly effective at Providing, Protecting, Performing, and Preparing.

I welcome the opportunity to join you in your fitness and faith journey. Fill out the contact form and enter the TAMC (The Aging Man Crew)!

More to come!

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