A Man's Kitchen
Biblical Counselor
Counseling men in leadership, anxiety, fitness, biblical masculinity, & relationships.
Bryan Ryndak PT, MHS, Crystal Lake, IL
I am passionate about holistic care. Restoring the mind, body, and spirit.
If life has smacked you upside the head and you're looking to write your next chapter, we should talk.
I work with men with any type of faith background or none at all. I look at life with a Christian world view but I know all too well that there is a time for very practical talk without Sunday School platitudes, and times for deeper spiritual conversations. If you want to include faith in your future self, let's do it. If not, let's do it.
"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be strong."
1 Corinthians 16:13 (NIV)